/trunk Developers: x98petro

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Total Commits:
21 (0.0%)
Lines of Code:
604 (0.0%)
Most Recent Commit:
1999-04-19 14:37
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for x98petro

Activity by Day of Week for x98petro

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 21 (100.0%) 604 (100.0%) 28.7
modeq/ 14 (66.7%) 493 (81.6%) 35.2
modeq/ast/ 4 (19.0%) 107 (17.7%) 26.7
modeq/testsuite/ 2 (9.5%) 3 (0.5%) 1.5
modeq/runtime/ 1 (4.8%) 1 (0.2%) 1.0

Activity of x98petro

Most Recent Commits

x98petro 1999-04-19 14:37 Rev.: 481

Array handling is probably broken in this version. Should be fixed in next version.

Multiple return values from functions.

1999-03-23 Constant propagation in functions.
With only one output from functions the ouput varaible was
is consant only if all input parameters are constant.
With multiple return arguments from functions then some
output parameters may be constant if some input parameters
are. This should be checked in the future.

!! Check inst.rml::inst_eq_equation understand the rule
evaluation and extend it to multiple return values.

Change of plans. Add an tuple type instead. This type is
not in the 1.1 spec. but will probably be there in the future.
constant checking of the tuple?'s arguments is not done at
the moment. See PROP in staticexp.rml.
See staticexp.rml
Write a test and make sure that it passes.
About updating rml code. For example uptadeting
Properties with Const. The old structure bool still works, just
code for the extre bool list?
Tuples works. But it is not restricted to just functions,
like the modelica 1.1 specification. A bug is that Real x,y;
(x,y)=(1,2); Does not work but (x,y)=(1.0,3.0) works.

Type convertion from int to real does not work correctly
with tuples. Real x,y; (x,y) = (1,2); does not work.

Array size allowed in component claus.
(modelica_1_1_Type9.mo) Write a tests and make sure that
it passes. ok
done 1999-03-23

Added some test for types, these tests begins with modelica_1_1_...

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • modeq/testsuite: Makefile (+2 -1), rtest (+1 -1)
x98petro 1999-04-19 14:34 Rev.: 480

Array handling is probably broken in this version. Should be fixed in next version.

Multiple return values from functions.

1999-03-23 Constant propagation in functions.
With only one output from functions the ouput varaible was
is consant only if all input parameters are constant.
With multiple return arguments from functions then some
output parameters may be constant if some input parameters
are. This should be checked in the future.

!! Check inst.rml::inst_eq_equation understand the rule
evaluation and extend it to multiple return values.

Change of plans. Add an tuple type instead. This type is
not in the 1.1 spec. but will probably be there in the future.
constant checking of the tuple?'s arguments is not done at
the moment. See PROP in staticexp.rml.
See staticexp.rml
Write a test and make sure that it passes.
About updating rml code. For example uptadeting
Properties with Const. The old structure bool still works, just
code for the extre bool list?
Tuples works. But it is not restricted to just functions,
like the modelica 1.1 specification. A bug is that Real x,y;
(x,y)=(1,2); Does not work but (x,y)=(1.0,3.0) works.

Type convertion from int to real does not work correctly
with tuples. Real x,y; (x,y) = (1,2); does not work.

Array size allowed in component claus.
(modelica_1_1_Type9.mo) Write a tests and make sure that
it passes. ok
done 1999-03-23

91 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • modeq/ast: Makefile (+4 -2), attrib.c (+1), modgram.g (+85 -31)
  • modeq/runtime: Makefile (+1 -1)
x98petro 1999-04-19 14:26 Rev.: 479

Array handling is probably broken in this version. Should be fixed in next version.

Multiple return values from functions.

1999-03-23 Constant propagation in functions.
With only one output from functions the ouput varaible was
is consant only if all input parameters are constant.
With multiple return arguments from functions then some
output parameters may be constant if some input parameters
are. This should be checked in the future.

!! Check inst.rml::inst_eq_equation understand the rule
evaluation and extend it to multiple return values.

Change of plans. Add an tuple type instead. This type is
not in the 1.1 spec. but will probably be there in the future.
constant checking of the tuple?'s arguments is not done at
the moment. See PROP in staticexp.rml.
See staticexp.rml
Write a test and make sure that it passes.
About updating rml code. For example uptadeting
Properties with Const. The old structure bool still works, just
code for the extre bool list?
Tuples works. But it is not restricted to just functions,
like the modelica 1.1 specification. A bug is that Real x,y;
(x,y)=(1,2); Does not work but (x,y)=(1.0,3.0) works.

Type convertion from int to real does not work correctly
with tuples. Real x,y; (x,y) = (1,2); does not work.

Array size allowed in component claus.
(modelica_1_1_Type9.mo) Write a tests and make sure that
it passes. ok
done 1999-03-23

482 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • modeq: Makefile (+3 -1), absyn.rml (+40 -6), algorithm.rml (+4 -4), dump.rml (+14 -2), exp.rml (+12 -3), explode.rml (+6 -4), inst.rml (+143 -10), lookup.rml (+1 -1), main.rml (+5), prefix.rml (+6), staticexp.rml (+212 -11), types.rml (+36)
x98petro 1998-11-30 13:18 Rev.: 478

Modifed the grammar to accept multiple return values from functions.

28 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • modeq: history.txt (new 7), main.rml (+4 -1)
  • modeq/ast: modgram.g (+17 -6)
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