

Provisional french building regulation scenarios (RT 2012) 9th version [CSTB]

Hypothesis and equations

Hourly scenarios on a full year of the RT2012. The following scenarios are included in this model:

The data being discrete and with an hourly time step, the interpolation is performed by a step function (see the block BuildSysPro.BoundaryConditions.Scenarios.StepFunctionMat).

The model uses simulation time modulo 1 year (31536000s = 3600 * 8760). Therefore if the simulation is run several years, the scenario is repeated.


Version 9 of the 2012 French Building Regulation scenarios.

Instructions for use

This model reads a data file, containing the two tables below.

Table 1 :

Time [s]


Table 2 :


Control for heating and cooling

1 = active

0 = setback period shorter than 48h

-1 = setback period longer than 48

Ventilation setpoint

1 = operation

0 = stop or minimum value

Lighting setpoint

1 = operation

0 = stop or minimum value

Hot water consumption [%]

Part of hot water consumed each hour

Reference period (100%) is a week

Reference volume set by consoECShebdo

Occupancy rate

1 = presence

0 = absence

Possible modulation between 0 and 1 (ex : sleeping period)

Internal gains by specific uses

1 = presence

0 = absence

Possible modulation between 0 and 1

Water vapour generation out of occupancy and lighting

1 = presence

0 = absence

Possible modulation between 0 and 1

Scenarios describing the occupancy and specific uses provide "physical" information (superior ports of the model). The heat loads can be directly connected to an air node, and vapors inputs are in [kg steam/sec]. These are expressed through a RealOutput connector (causal modelling) and will then be adapted to the connectors selected for the multi-physics modelling.

The use of thermal ports is conditioned by the Booleans (UtilApportThOcc, UtilApportThUsageSpe, UtilApportThEclairage). In situations where these ports are not used but the Booleans are set to TRUE, the following error occurs:

Error: Singular inconsistent scalar system for scenarioRT.ApportsThOccupants.T = (scenarioRT.prescribedHeatFlow.Q_flow*(1-scenarioRT.prescribedHeatFlow.alpha*scenarioRT.prescribedHeatFlow.T_ref))/( -scenarioRT.prescribedHeatFlow.Q_flow*scenarioRT.prescribedHeatFlow.alpha) = .../-0

To fix the problem change the value of concerned booleans.

Right ports of the model correspond to "controls". They can be connected to models such as ventilation, hot water, lighting, heating and cooling or comfort analysis.

Note: In the RT2012 regulation, the environmental data are given in solar time whereas the data related to occupancy are in local time. To account for this time difference (switch between winter and summer time), the user should choose a specific scenario file (for example ScenarioRT2012_timechange)

Known limits / Use precautions



Validated model but based on RT 2012 provisional scenarios - Gilles Plessis 02/2011

Licensed by EDF under a 3-clause BSD-license
Copyright © EDF 2010 - 2015
BuildSysPro version 3.6.0
Author : Gilles PLESSIS, EDF (2011)


Gilles Plessis Février 2011: Le modèle devra être mis à jour notamment au niveau des valeurs de:

Une mise à jour des ports pour apports humides (vapeur d'eau) devra aussi être envisagée.

Gilles Plessis Février2012:

Gilles Plessis Juin2012

Gilles Plessis 10/2012 : gain4 divisé par 3600

Gilles Plessis 11/2012 :

Sila Filfli 04/2013 :

Gilles Plessis 05/2013 : Modification de la valeur par défaut de la consommation hebdomadaire d'ECS de 50 L à 0L correspondant à la valeur RT. Pour information, la valeur de 455L/semaine/personne est recommandée.

Gilles Plessis 09/2015 : Utilisation de la fonction Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource pour le chargement de fichiers, pour une meilleure compatibilité avec le standard Modelica.

Benoît Charrier 01/2016 : Passage des valeurs de seuil des blocs GreaterThreshold à x+1e-6 pour contourner le mauvais comportement sous OpenModelica de ce type de bloc.

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