

Package Sources contains generic sources for fluid connectors to define fixed or prescribed ambient conditions.


Boundary_pTBoundary with prescribed pressure, temperature, composition and trace substances
Boundary_phBoundary with prescribed pressure, specific enthalpy, composition and trace substances
MassFlowSource_TIdeal flow source that produces a prescribed mass flow with prescribed temperature, composition and trace substances
MassFlowSource_WeatherDataIdeal flow source that produces a prescribed mass flow with prescribed trace substances, outside specific enthalpy and mass fraction
MassFlowSource_hIdeal flow source that produces a prescribed mass flow with prescribed specific enthalpy, composition and trace substances
OutsideBoundary that takes weather data, and optionally trace substances, as an input
Outside_CpBoundary that takes weather data, and optionally the wind pressure coefficient and trace substances, as an input
Outside_CpDataBoundary that takes weather data as an input and computes the wind pressure from a given wind pressure profile
Outside_CpLowRiseBoundary that takes weather data as an input and computes the wind pressure for low-rise buildings based on the equation from Swami and Chandra (1987)
PropertySource_TModel for overriding fluid properties that flow through the component, using temperature input
PropertySource_hModel for overriding fluid properties that flow through the component, using specific enthalpy input
TraceSubstancesFlowSourceSource with mass flow that does not take part in medium mass balance (such as CO2)
ExamplesCollection of models that illustrate model use and test models
ValidationCollection of validation models
BaseClassesPackage with base classes for Buildings.Fluid.Sources

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