Name | Description |
BaseClasses | Base continuous control blocks |
AbsLimRateLimFeedthroughFreeze | First order feed-through with absolute and rate limits, and a freezing flag, used when first order filter is bypassed |
AbsLimRateLimFeedthroughFreezeLimDetection | First order feed-through with absolute and rate limits, a freezing flag, and limitation detection flags |
AbsLimRateLimFirstOrderAntiWindup | First order filter with absolute and rate limits, and an anti-windup loop |
AbsLimRateLimFirstOrderFreeze | First order filter with absolute and rate limits, and a freezing flag |
AbsLimRateLimFirstOrderFreezeLimDetection | First order filter with absolute and rate limits, a freezing flag, and limitation detection flags |
AntiWindupIntegrator | Integrator with absolute and rate limits, anti windup and anti winddown |
DecreaseDetection | Output y is true, if the input u has fallen to a lower value since the previous sample |
DiscreteIntegrator | Integrator with discrete input |
IncreaseDetection | Output y is true, if the input u has risen to a higher value since the previous sample |
IntegratorWithReset | Integrator with absolute limits and reset |
IntegratorSetFreeze | Outputs the integral of the input signal with optional set/reset and optional state freeze |
IntegratorVariableLimits | Integrator with limited value of output (variable limits) and freeze |
LeadMOrderLag | Lead-lag filter with M poles |
LimitedPI | Proportional-integrator controller with limited value of output |
LimPIDFreeze | PI controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation, setpoint weighting, optional feed-forward and optional freezing of the state |
PI | Proportional-integral controller |
PIAntiWindup | Anti-windup proportional integral controller |
PIAntiWindupVariableLimits | Anti-windup proportional integral controller with variable limits |
PIFreeze | Proportional-integrator controller with freezing of the state |
Power | Outputs a power of the input |
RampTrackingFilter | Ramp tracking filter |
RateLimFirstOrderFreeze | First order transfer function block with rate limiter and freeze functionality |
SecondOrder | Second order filter block, allowing for zero coefficients |
SqrtNoEvent | If the input is positive, outputs its square root, if the input is negative, outputs zero |
VarLimPIDFreeze | PI controller with limited output (with adjustable limits), anti-windup compensation, setpoint weighting, optional feed-forward and optional freezing of the state |
Washout | Washout filter block, allowing for zero time constant |
WeightedDifference | Block which calculates the weighted difference between an input variable and a reference parameter |