This package contains partial models designed to build up plants for controller. The models have to be extended from these particular models to create plants or a virtual test rig of a controller.
Name | Description |
SimpleStateSpaceControl | Template for a simple state feedback controller with an optional pre-filter |
SimpleObserverStateSpaceControl | Template for a simple state feedback controller with observer and optional pre-filter |
TwoDegreesOfFreedomControlSISO | Template for a controller with two structural degrees of freedom and an inverse plant model in forward path |
TwoDOFinverseModelController | Template for a controller with two structural degrees of freedom and an inverse plant model in forward path |
Add2 | Output the sum of the two inputs |
PartialPlantMIMO | Template for multi-input multi-output plants |
PartialPlantSISO | Template for single-input single-output plants |
Plant_SISO | SISO dummy plant model which can be used in templates |