
Package of examples to demonstrate the usage of the StateSpace record


This package contains example function calls to demonstrate the usage of the functions operating with the StateSpace record.


 analysisExample to check controllability of a state space system
 analysisDcGainExample to compute dcGain of a state space system
 analysisControllabilityExample to check controllability of a state space system
 analysisObservabilityExample to check controllability of a state space system
 analysisControllablePolesExample to check controllability of a state space system and print the controllable poles
 analysisTimeResponseCompute time response of a state space system
 analysisInitialResponseInitial response example
 analysisImpulseResponseImpulse response example
 analysisInvariantZerosExample to compute the invariant zeros of a state space system
 analysisPolesAndZerosSISOCompute poles and invariant zeros of a SISO state space system by transformation to a minimal system
 analysisStepResponseStep response example
 analysisStairCaseExample to check controllability of a state space system
 conversionFromTransferFunctionTransform a TransferFunction into a StateSpace description
 conversionFromZerosAndPolesTransform a TransferFunction into a StateSpace description
 conversionToTransferFunctionMIMOCompute a transfer function matrix of a MIMO system from state space representation
 conversionToTransferFunctionSISOExample to compute a transfer function from SISO state space representation
 conversionToZerosAndPolesMIMOExample to compute a zeros-and-poles representation of a MIMO system from state space representation
 conversionToZerosAndPolesSISOExample to compute a zeros and poles representation from SISO state space representation
 designAssignPolesSISOExample for pole placing using Ackermann's method
 designAssignPolesMIMOExample for pole placing
 designKalmanFilterExample for Kalman filter design
 designLQGExample for LQG controller design
 designLQRExample for LQR controller design
 importFromModelGenerate a linear state space system from a (nonlinear) Modelica model
 plotPolesAndZerosExample for plotting eigenvalues and invariant zeros of a state space system
 plotPolesAndZeros2Plot and print poles and zeros
 plotBodeMIMOConstructs zeros-and-poles-transfers from state space representation and plots the Bode diagrams with automatic determination of the frequency range to plot
 plotBodeSISOConstructs a zeros-and-poles transfer function from state space representation and plots the Bode diagram with automatic determination of the frequency range to plot
 plotImpulseImpulse plot example
 plotInitalInitial condition plot example
 plotRampPlot ramp response
 plotStepStep plot example
 plotTimeResponseTime response plot example
 plotZerosCase studies of systems with zeros
 transformationExample to demonstrate the transformation to Jordan- observabilitiy- and controllability canonical form
 transformationExtractExample how to extract input/output related subsystems from state space system record
 transformationToIrreducibleFormExample to compute the minimal state space realization of a given SISO state space realization

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