This package contains example function calls to demonstrate the usage of the functions operating with the StateSpace record.
Name | Description |
Example to check controllability of a state space system | |
Example to compute dcGain of a state space system | |
Example to check controllability of a state space system | |
Example to check controllability of a state space system | |
Example to check controllability of a state space system and print the controllable poles | |
Compute time response of a state space system | |
Initial response example | |
Impulse response example | |
Example to compute the invariant zeros of a state space system | |
Compute poles and invariant zeros of a SISO state space system by transformation to a minimal system | |
Step response example | |
Example to check controllability of a state space system | |
Transform a TransferFunction into a StateSpace description | |
Transform a TransferFunction into a StateSpace description | |
Compute a transfer function matrix of a MIMO system from state space representation | |
Example to compute a transfer function from SISO state space representation | |
Example to compute a zeros-and-poles representation of a MIMO system from state space representation | |
Example to compute a zeros and poles representation from SISO state space representation | |
Example for pole placing using Ackermann's method | |
Example for pole placing | |
Example for Kalman filter design | |
Example for LQG controller design | |
Example for LQR controller design | |
Generate a linear state space system from a (nonlinear) Modelica model | |
Example for plotting eigenvalues and invariant zeros of a state space system | |
Plot and print poles and zeros | |
Constructs zeros-and-poles-transfers from state space representation and plots the Bode diagrams with automatic determination of the frequency range to plot | |
Constructs a zeros-and-poles transfer function from state space representation and plots the Bode diagram with automatic determination of the frequency range to plot | |
Impulse plot example | |
Initial condition plot example | |
Plot ramp response | |
Step plot example | |
Time response plot example | |
Case studies of systems with zeros | |
Example to demonstrate the transformation to Jordan- observabilitiy- and controllability canonical form | |
Example how to extract input/output related subsystems from state space system record | |
Example to compute the minimal state space realization of a given SISO state space realization |