
Thermal models of heat transfer


This package contains models of physical processes and components related to heat transfer phenomena.

All models with dynamic equations provide initialisation support. Set the initOpt parameter to the appropriate value:

The latter options can be useful when two or more components are connected directly so that they will have the same pressure or temperature, to avoid over-specified systems of initial equations.


 HTThermal port for lumped parameter heat transfer
 DHTNodesDistributed Heat Terminal
 DHTVolumesDistributed Heat Terminal
 HThtc_HTHThtc to HT adaptor
 HT_DHTNodesHT to DHT adaptor
 HT_DHTVolumesHT to DHT adaptor
 TempSource1DFVUniform Distributed Temperature Source for Finite Volume models
 TempSource1DlinFVLinearly Distributed Temperature Source for Finite Volume models
 TempSource1DFEMDistributed Temperature Source for FEM models
 TempSource1DlinFEMLinearly Distributed Temperature Source for FEM models
 HeatSource1DFVDistributed Heat Flow Source for Finite Volume models
 HeatSource1DNonUniformFVDistributed Heat Flow Source for Finite Volume models with non-uniformly distributed flow
 HeatSource1DFEMDistributed Heat Flow Source for FEM models
 MetalTubeFVCylindrical metal tube model with Nw finite volumes
 MetalTubeFEMCylindrical metal tube - 1 radial node and N axial nodes
 MetalWallFVGeneric metal wall model with Nw finite volumes
 MetalWallFEMGeneric metal wall - 1 radial node and N axial nodes
 HeatExchangerTopologyFVConnects two DHTVolumes ports according to a selected heat exchanger topology
 CounterCurrentFVConnects two DHTVolume ports according to a counter-current flow configuration
 CounterCurrentFEMCounter-current heat transfer adaptor for 1D FEM heat exchangers
 ConvHTFV1D Constant thermal conductance
 FoulingFV1D FV thermal resistance due to fouling
 ConvHTLumpedLumped parameter convective heat transfer
 HeatTransferFVHeat transfer models for FV components
 HeatTransferFEMHeat transfer models for FEM components
 MaterialPropertiesThermal and mechanical properties of materials
 HThtcThermal port for lumped parameter heat transfer with outgoing heat transfer coefficient
 HThtc_inThermal port for lumped parameter heat transfer with incoming heat transfer coefficient
 DHTDistributed Heat Terminal
 DHThtcDistributed Heat Terminal with heat transfer coefficient output
 DHThtc_inDistributed Heat Terminal with heat transfer coefficient input
 DHThtc_DHTDHThtc to DHT adapter
 HT_DHTHT to DHT adaptor
 HThtc_DHThtcHThtc to DHThtc adaptor
 HeatSource1DhtcDistributed Heat Flow Source
 HeatSource1DDistributed Heat Flow Source
 TempSource1DDistributed Temperature Source
 TempSource1DlinLinearly Distributed Temperature Source
 ConvHT1D Convective heat transfer
 ConvHTLumped_htcLumped parameter convective heat transfer between a HT and a HThtc
 ConvHT2N1D Convective heat transfer between two DHT connectors with a different number of nodes
 ConvHT_htc1D Convective heat transfer between a DHT and a DHT_htc
 ConvHT2N_htc1D Convective heat transfer between two DHT connectors with a different number of nodes
 CounterCurrentCounter-current heat transfer adaptor for 1D heat transfer
 MetalTubeCylindrical metal tube - 1 radial node and N axial nodes
 CylinderFourierThermal model of a hollow cylinder by Fourier's equation - 1 axial node and Nr radial nodes
 HeatFlowDistributionSame heat flow through two different surfaces

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