All models with dynamic equations provide initialisation support. Set the initOpt parameter to the appropriate value:
Name | Description |
HT | Thermal port for lumped parameter heat transfer |
DHTNodes | Distributed Heat Terminal |
DHTVolumes | Distributed Heat Terminal |
HThtc_HT | HThtc to HT adaptor |
HT_DHTNodes | HT to DHT adaptor |
HT_DHTVolumes | HT to DHT adaptor |
TempSource1DFV | Uniform Distributed Temperature Source for Finite Volume models |
TempSource1DlinFV | Linearly Distributed Temperature Source for Finite Volume models |
TempSource1DFEM | Distributed Temperature Source for FEM models |
TempSource1DlinFEM | Linearly Distributed Temperature Source for FEM models |
HeatSource1DFV | Distributed Heat Flow Source for Finite Volume models |
HeatSource1DNonUniformFV | Distributed Heat Flow Source for Finite Volume models with non-uniformly distributed flow |
HeatSource1DFEM | Distributed Heat Flow Source for FEM models |
MetalTubeFV | Cylindrical metal tube model with Nw finite volumes |
MetalTubeFEM | Cylindrical metal tube - 1 radial node and N axial nodes |
MetalWallFV | Generic metal wall model with Nw finite volumes |
MetalWallFEM | Generic metal wall - 1 radial node and N axial nodes |
HeatExchangerTopologyFV | Connects two DHTVolumes ports according to a selected heat exchanger topology |
CounterCurrentFV | Connects two DHTVolume ports according to a counter-current flow configuration |
CounterCurrentFEM | Counter-current heat transfer adaptor for 1D FEM heat exchangers |
ConvHTFV | 1D Constant thermal conductance |
FoulingFV | 1D FV thermal resistance due to fouling |
ConvHTLumped | Lumped parameter convective heat transfer |
HeatTransferFV | Heat transfer models for FV components |
HeatTransferFEM | Heat transfer models for FEM components |
MaterialProperties | Thermal and mechanical properties of materials |
HeatExchangerTopologies | |
BaseClasses | |
HThtc | Thermal port for lumped parameter heat transfer with outgoing heat transfer coefficient |
HThtc_in | Thermal port for lumped parameter heat transfer with incoming heat transfer coefficient |
DHT | Distributed Heat Terminal |
DHThtc | Distributed Heat Terminal with heat transfer coefficient output |
DHThtc_in | Distributed Heat Terminal with heat transfer coefficient input |
DHThtc_DHT | DHThtc to DHT adapter |
HT_DHT | HT to DHT adaptor |
HThtc_DHThtc | HThtc to DHThtc adaptor |
HeatSource1Dhtc | Distributed Heat Flow Source |
HeatSource1D | Distributed Heat Flow Source |
TempSource1D | Distributed Temperature Source |
TempSource1Dlin | Linearly Distributed Temperature Source |
ConvHT | 1D Convective heat transfer |
ConvHTLumped_htc | Lumped parameter convective heat transfer between a HT and a HThtc |
ConvHT2N | 1D Convective heat transfer between two DHT connectors with a different number of nodes |
ConvHT_htc | 1D Convective heat transfer between a DHT and a DHT_htc |
ConvHT2N_htc | 1D Convective heat transfer between two DHT connectors with a different number of nodes |
CounterCurrent | Counter-current heat transfer adaptor for 1D heat transfer |
MetalWall | |
MetalTube | Cylindrical metal tube - 1 radial node and N axial nodes |
CylinderFourier | Thermal model of a hollow cylinder by Fourier's equation - 1 axial node and Nr radial nodes |
HeatFlowDistribution | Same heat flow through two different surfaces |
linspaceExt |