Name | Description |
Rce | Spice-style bipolar collector/emitter resistor of the analog electrical library |
Rb | Spice-style bipolar base resistor of the analog electrical library |
Gj | Spice-style leakage conductance model |
varC | Modulated electrical capacitor |
Cj | Spice-style junction capacitor model for bipolar transistors |
Cbx | Spice-style external base-collector capacitance model for bipolar transistors |
Dj | Spice-style junction diode model for bipolar transistors |
Isignal | Modulated internal current source with heat computation |
Qni | Spice-style NPN transistor model without parasitic resistors and substrate diode |
Qpi | Spice-style PNP transistor model without parasitic resistors and substrate diode |
RM | Spice-style resistor model for MOSFETs |
CjM | Spice-style junction capacitor model for MOSFETs |
Cgb | Spice-style gate capacitance between gate and bulk of MOSFETs |
Cgs | Spice-style gate capacitance between gate and source of MOSFETs |
Cgd | Spice-style gate capacitance between gate and drain of MOSFETs |
DjM | Spice-style junction diode model for MOSFETs |
Mni | Spice-style internal NMOS transistor |
Mpi | Spice-style internal PMOS transistor |
CjD | Spice-style junction capacitor model for DIODEs |
DjD | Spice-style DIODE model |
CjJ | Spice-style junction capacitor model for JFETs and MESFETs |
DjJ | Spice-style diode model for JFETs and MESFETs |
Jni | Spice-style internal n-channel JFET |
Jpi | Spice-style internal p-channel JFET |