Package with blocks for elementary mathematical functions for boolean variables.
Name | Description |
And | Logical 'and': y = u1 and u2 |
Change | Output y is true, if the input u has a rising or falling edge (y = change(u)) |
Edge | Output y is true, if the input u has a rising edge (y = edge(u)) |
FallingEdge | Output y is true, if the input u has a falling edge (y = edge(not u)) |
Latch | Maintains a true signal until change condition |
MultiAnd | Logical MultiAnd, y = u[1] and u[2] and u[3] and ... |
MultiOr | Logical MultiOr, y = u[1] or u[2] or u[3] or ... |
Nand | Logical 'nand': y = not (u1 and u2) |
Nor | Logical 'nor': y = not (u1 or u2) |
Not | Logical not |
Or | Logical 'or': y = u1 or u2 |
Pre | Breaks algebraic loops by an infinitesimal small time delay (y = pre(u): event iteration continues until u = pre(u)) |
Proof | Verify two boolean inputs |
Switch | Switch between two boolean signals |
Timer | Timer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true |
TimerAccumulating | Accumulating timer that can be reset |
Toggle | Toggles output value whenever its input turns true |
TrueDelay | Delay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge. |
TrueFalseHold | Block that holds an output signal for at least a specified duration |
TrueHold | Block that holds a true signal for at least a requested duration |
VariablePulse | Generate boolean pulse with the width specified by input |
Xor | Logical 'xor': y = u1 xor u2 |
Sources | Package with blocks that generate source signals |
Validation | Collection of models that validate the logical blocks of the CDL |