

Package with blocks for elementary mathematical functions for boolean variables.


AndLogical 'and': y = u1 and u2
ChangeOutput y is true, if the input u has a rising or falling edge (y = change(u))
EdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has a rising edge (y = edge(u))
FallingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has a falling edge (y = edge(not u))
LatchMaintains a true signal until change condition
MultiAndLogical MultiAnd, y = u[1] and u[2] and u[3] and ...
MultiOrLogical MultiOr, y = u[1] or u[2] or u[3] or ...
NandLogical 'nand': y = not (u1 and u2)
NorLogical 'nor': y = not (u1 or u2)
NotLogical not
OrLogical 'or': y = u1 or u2
PreBreaks algebraic loops by an infinitesimal small time delay (y = pre(u): event iteration continues until u = pre(u))
ProofVerify two boolean inputs
SwitchSwitch between two boolean signals
TimerTimer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true
TimerAccumulatingAccumulating timer that can be reset
ToggleToggles output value whenever its input turns true
TrueDelayDelay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge.
TrueFalseHoldBlock that holds an output signal for at least a specified duration
TrueHoldBlock that holds a true signal for at least a requested duration
VariablePulseGenerate boolean pulse with the width specified by input
XorLogical 'xor': y = u1 xor u2
SourcesPackage with blocks that generate source signals
ValidationCollection of models that validate the logical blocks of the CDL


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