

Package Sensors consists of idealized sensor components that provide variables of a medium as output signals. These signals can be, e.g., further processed with components of the Modelica.Blocks library.


 UsersGuideUser's Guide
 DensityIdeal one port density sensor
 DensityTwoPortIdeal two port density sensor
 EnthalpyFlowRateIdeal enthalphy flow rate sensor
 EntropyFlowRateIdeal entropy flow rate sensor
 HeatMeterMeasures thermal energy provided between supply and return pipes
 LatentEnthalpyFlowRateIdeal enthalphy flow rate sensor that outputs the latent enthalpy flow rate only
 MassFlowRateIdeal sensor for mass flow rate
 MassFractionIdeal one port mass fraction sensor
 MassFractionTwoPortIdeal two port mass fraction sensor
 PPMIdeal one port trace substances sensor outputting in parts per million
 PPMTwoPortIdeal two port trace substances sensor outputting in parts per million
 PressureIdeal pressure sensor
 RelativeHumidityIdeal one port relative humidity sensor
 RelativeHumidityTwoPortIdeal two port relative humidity sensor
 RelativePressureIdeal relative pressure sensor
 RelativeTemperatureIdeal relative temperature sensor
 SensibleEnthalpyFlowRateIdeal enthalphy flow rate sensor that outputs the sensible enthalpy flow rate only
 SpecificEnthalpyIdeal one port specific enthalpy sensor
 SpecificEnthalpyTwoPortIdeal two port sensor for the specific enthalpy
 SpecificEntropyIdeal one port specific entropy sensor
 SpecificEntropyTwoPortIdeal two port sensor for the specific entropy
 TemperatureIdeal one port temperature sensor
 TemperatureTwoPortIdeal two port temperature sensor
 TemperatureWetBulbTwoPortIdeal wet bulb temperature sensor
 TraceSubstancesIdeal one port trace substances sensor
 TraceSubstancesTwoPortIdeal two port sensor for trace substance
 VelocityIdeal sensor for flow velocity
 VolumeFlowRateIdeal sensor for volume flow rate
 ConversionsPackage with conversions for sensor models
 ExamplesCollection of models that illustrate model use and test models
 BaseClassesPackage with base classes for Buildings.Fluid.Sensors


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