
Non linear control blocks


 BacklashHysteresisProvides a region of offset with a hysteresis logic
 ConditionalForwardForwards the first input if it is positive or if the second input is negative and returns a third (optional) one if neither one of the conditions is valid.
 DeadBandProvide a region of zero output
 DelayFlagProvides an extended fault flag fO which adds a post-fault value 2 to the input fault flag fI for a set duration of tD
 FixedBooleanDelayDelay block with fixed delay time for boolean input
 FlipFlopRRS flip flop with priority to reset
 FlipFlopSRS flip flop with priority to set
 IntegratorOrFirstOrderSwitch between two operators : integrator, first-order filter
 LimitedFirstOrderFirst-order filter with non-windup limiter
 LimitedIntegratorIntegrator with limited value of the output
 LimitedLeadLagSimple lead-lag filter, with output limitation
 LimiterWithLagLimiter that enforces saturations only after they were violated without interruption during a certain amount of time. No lag when switching from saturated to non saturated mode though
 LimiterWithLag_INITLimiterWithLag INIT Model. Here the input is y0LF. This value will initialize the limiter's input variable, but since it could be out the saturation bounds, the initial value kept for y is y0 which is min(max(y0LF, UMin), UMax)
 LimRateLimFirstOrderFirst-order filter with non-windup limiter and slew rate limiter
 MaxThresholdSwitchSwitch between two real values, depending on the input crossing a max threshold
 MinThresholdSwitchSwitch between two real values, depending on the input crossing a min threshold
 MultiSwitchSwitch between N Real signals
 PIAntiWindUpTableProportional Integrator with anti-windup and table-based output. This model has discrete inputs and outputs.
 PulseFixedDurationActivates a Boolean signal for a duration tPulse
 PulseMinimumDurationActivates a Boolean signal for a duration tPulse or more if input is true
 RampLimiterSlew rate limiter, simplified from Modelica Standard Library
 StandAloneRampRateLimiterSlew rate limiter as in IEC N°61400-27-1
 SwitchIntegerSwitch between two Integer signals
 VariableDelayFlagProvides an extended fault flag fO which adds a post-fault value 2 to the input fault flag fI for a variable duration of tD
 VariableLimiterLimit the range of a signal with variable limits

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