Name | Description |
BaseClasses | |
BacklashHysteresis | Provides a region of offset with a hysteresis logic |
ConditionalForward | Forwards the first input if it is positive or if the second input is negative and returns a third (optional) one if neither one of the conditions is valid. |
DeadBand | Provide a region of zero output |
DelayFlag | Provides an extended fault flag fO which adds a post-fault value 2 to the input fault flag fI for a set duration of tD |
FixedBooleanDelay | Delay block with fixed delay time for boolean input |
FlipFlopR | RS flip flop with priority to reset |
FlipFlopS | RS flip flop with priority to set |
IntegratorOrFirstOrder | Switch between two operators : integrator, first-order filter |
LimitedFirstOrder | First-order filter with non-windup limiter |
LimitedIntegrator | Integrator with limited value of the output |
LimitedLeadLag | Simple lead-lag filter, with output limitation |
LimiterWithLag | Limiter that enforces saturations only after they were violated without interruption during a certain amount of time. No lag when switching from saturated to non saturated mode though |
LimiterWithLag_INIT | LimiterWithLag INIT Model. Here the input is y0LF. This value will initialize the limiter's input variable, but since it could be out the saturation bounds, the initial value kept for y is y0 which is min(max(y0LF, UMin), UMax) |
LimRateLimFirstOrder | First-order filter with non-windup limiter and slew rate limiter |
MaxThresholdSwitch | Switch between two real values, depending on the input crossing a max threshold |
MinThresholdSwitch | Switch between two real values, depending on the input crossing a min threshold |
MultiSwitch | Switch between N Real signals |
PIAntiWindUpTable | Proportional Integrator with anti-windup and table-based output. This model has discrete inputs and outputs. |
PulseFixedDuration | Activates a Boolean signal for a duration tPulse |
PulseMinimumDuration | Activates a Boolean signal for a duration tPulse or more if input is true |
RampLimiter | Slew rate limiter, simplified from Modelica Standard Library |
StandAloneRampRateLimiter | Slew rate limiter as in IEC N°61400-27-1 |
SwitchInteger | Switch between two Integer signals |
VariableDelayFlag | Provides an extended fault flag fO which adds a post-fault value 2 to the input fault flag fI for a variable duration of tD |
VariableLimiter | Limit the range of a signal with variable limits |