This model calculates medium properties for water in the liquid, gas and two phase regions according to the IAPWS/IF97 standard, i.e., the accepted industrial standard and best compromise between accuracy and computation time. For more details see Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities. Three variable pairs can be the independent variables of the model:
The following quantities are always computed:
Variable | Unit | Description |
T | K | temperature |
u | J/kg | specific internal energy |
d | kg/m^3 | density |
p | Pa | pressure |
h | J/kg | specific enthalpy |
In some cases additional medium properties are needed. A component that needs these optional properties has to call one of the functions listed in Modelica.Media.UsersGuide.MediumUsage.OptionalProperties and in Modelica.Media.UsersGuide.MediumUsage.TwoPhase.
Many further properties can be computed. Using the well-known Bridgman's Tables, all first partial derivatives of the standard thermodynamic variables can be computed easily.
Name | Description |
Thermodynamic state | |
Base properties of water | |
Computes density as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Computes temperature as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Compute temperature from pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Computes density as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Computes pressure as a function of density and temperature | |
Computes specific enthalpy as a function of density and temperature | |
Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature | |
Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature | |
Computes density as a function of pressure and temperature | |
Set the thermodynamic state on the dew line | |
Set the thermodynamic state on the bubble line | |
Dynamic viscosity of water | |
Thermal conductivity of water | |
Surface tension in two phase region of water | |
Return pressure of ideal gas | |
Return temperature of ideal gas | |
Return density of ideal gas | |
Return specific enthalpy | |
Return specific internal energy | |
Return specific Gibbs energy | |
Return specific Helmholtz energy | |
Specific entropy of water | |
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water | |
Specific heat capacity at constant volume of water | |
Return isentropic exponent | |
Isothermal compressibility of water | |
Isobaric expansion coefficient of water | |
Return velocity of sound as a function of the thermodynamic state record | |
Compute h(s,p) | |
Density derivative by specific enthalpy | |
Density derivative by pressure | |
Boiling curve specific enthalpy of water | |
Dew curve specific enthalpy of water | |
Boiling curve specific entropy of water | |
Dew curve specific entropy of water | |
Boiling curve specific density of water | |
Dew curve specific density of water | |
Saturation temperature of water | |
Derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure | |
Saturation pressure of water | |
Bubble point density derivative | |
Dew point density derivative | |
Bubble point specific enthalpy derivative | |
Dew point specific enthalpy derivative | |
Return thermodynamic state of water as function of d, T, and optional region | |
Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p, h, and optional region | |
Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p, s, and optional region | |
Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p, T, and optional region | |
Return thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b |