

This section defines some general functions, which are common utilities for wavelet transformation and other functions.


 _fftAn external function to carry out FFT
 cumSumCumulative sum of a vector. Data type is Real.
 cumSumIntCumulative sum of a vector. Data type is Integer
 diffDifference between every two adjacent elements of a vector
 fftFast Fourier transform
 fftShiftShift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum
 findIndexFind the location of a value in a monotone vector
 filterBankGet the four wavelet filters based on a given scaling filter
 ifftInverse fast Fourier transform
 innerProductInner product of two same length vectors
 interpLOne-dimensional linear interpolation
 midVectorExtract the middle part of a vector
 nStdIfftInverse non-standard 1-D fast Fourier transform
 quadReverseQuadrature mirror of a given vector
 sincSinc function
 upsampleUp-sampling of a vector (insert a zero after every element except the last one)
 wavConvFully convolving of a data vector and a filter vector for wavelet transform

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