

Package of internal material of record StateSpace (for advanced users only)


assignOneOrTwoPolesAlgorithm to assign p (p = 1 or 2) eigenvalues
assignOneOrTwoPoles_alphaAlgorithm to assign p (p = 1 or 2) eigenvalues
characterizeEigenvalueCheck stability, stabilizability, controllability, observability nad detectability of the single poles
cntrHessenbergCalculate the controllable part of a SISO system
complexPolesGenerate a zeros-and-poles representation from state space representation
complexZerosCalculate the zeros of the related transfer function
controllablePolesCompute the controllable and uncontrollable poles of a state space system
dampingFrequencies and damping of state space system
dgreeOfRedSysCalculate the controllable and observable part of a state space system
householderHouseholder transformation
invariantZerosWithRealMatrixCompute invariant zeros of linear state space system (system given by A,B,C,D matrices)
invariantZeros2Compute invariant zeros of linear SISO state space system with a generalized system matrix [A, B, C, D] which is of upper Hessenberg form
invariantZerosHessenbergFast version to calculate the system zeros of a SISO system with D=[0] and A has upper Hessenberg form, delivered by StateSpace.reduceSystem
isSISOTo check a state space system to be SISO (or not)
isControllableAndObservableSISOTo check whether a SISO system is controllable and observable
isControllableSISOTo check a SISO system whether it is controllable
isControllableMIMOTo check a MIMO system whether it is controllable
isDetectableSISOTo check whether a SISO system is detectable
isDetectableMIMOCheck whether a MIMO system is detectable
isObservableSISOTo check whether a SISO system is observable
isObservableMIMOTo check a MIMO system whether it is observable
isStabilizableSISOTo check whether a SISO system is stabliziable
isStabilizableMIMOTo check whether a MIMO system is stabliziable
numberOfPolesCalculate the number of poles of the related transfer function
numberOfPolesAndZerosCalculate the number poles and of zeros of the related transfer function
numberOfZerosCalculate the number of zeros of the related transfer function
partialGainAlgorithm for partial gain
polesAndZerosGenerate poles and zeros from state space representation
readLength_nuRead the number of inputs nu of a state space system from a file
readLength_nxRead the order nx of a state space system from a file
readLength_nyRead the number of outputs ny of a state space system from a file
reducedCtrSystem2Calculate the controllable part of a SISO system
readSystemDimensionRead the order nx of state matrix and the numbers nu and ny of inputs and outputs
scaleFactor1Return scale factor for first order block
scaleFactor2Return scale factor for second order block
staircaseQRStaircase algorithm to put a state space system to controller Hessenberg form
staircaseSVDStaircase algorithm based on singular value decomposition
trianUpperHessTriangulize an upper Hessenberg matrix by repeatedly applicated householder reflexion
transposeStateSpaceReturn the transposed state space system
reduceRosenbrockAlgorithm to compress the generalized system matrix [A, B; C, D] to calculate the invariant zeros of a system
reducedCtrSystemCalculate the controllable part of a SISO system
reducedCtrSystemXCalculate the controllable part of a SISO system
read_dslinRead a StateSpace data record from mat-file
absComplexVectorReturn the absolute values of all elements of a complex vector that is defined by a vr[:] vector (real part) and a vi[:] vector (imaginary part)
polesAndZeros_OldPlot poles (i.e. eigenvalues) and/or invariant zeros of a state space system (previous version of polesAndZeros that is kept, just in case)
bodeSISO_OldPlot bode plot of the corresponding transfer function
bodeMIMO_oldPlot bode plot of all transfer functions, corresponding to the state space system

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