Name | Description |
assignOneOrTwoPoles | Algorithm to assign p (p = 1 or 2) eigenvalues |
assignOneOrTwoPoles_alpha | Algorithm to assign p (p = 1 or 2) eigenvalues |
characterizeEigenvalue | Check stability, stabilizability, controllability, observability nad detectability of the single poles |
cntrHessenberg | Calculate the controllable part of a SISO system |
complexPoles | Generate a zeros-and-poles representation from state space representation |
complexZeros | Calculate the zeros of the related transfer function |
controllablePoles | Compute the controllable and uncontrollable poles of a state space system |
damping | Frequencies and damping of state space system |
dgreeOfRedSys | Calculate the controllable and observable part of a state space system |
householder | Householder transformation |
invariantZerosWithRealMatrix | Compute invariant zeros of linear state space system (system given by A,B,C,D matrices) |
invariantZeros2 | Compute invariant zeros of linear SISO state space system with a generalized system matrix [A, B, C, D] which is of upper Hessenberg form |
invariantZerosHessenberg | Fast version to calculate the system zeros of a SISO system with D=[0] and A has upper Hessenberg form, delivered by StateSpace.reduceSystem |
isSISO | To check a state space system to be SISO (or not) |
isControllableAndObservableSISO | To check whether a SISO system is controllable and observable |
isControllableSISO | To check a SISO system whether it is controllable |
isControllableMIMO | To check a MIMO system whether it is controllable |
isDetectableSISO | To check whether a SISO system is detectable |
isDetectableMIMO | Check whether a MIMO system is detectable |
isObservableSISO | To check whether a SISO system is observable |
isObservableMIMO | To check a MIMO system whether it is observable |
isStabilizableSISO | To check whether a SISO system is stabliziable |
isStabilizableMIMO | To check whether a MIMO system is stabliziable |
numberOfPoles | Calculate the number of poles of the related transfer function |
numberOfPolesAndZeros | Calculate the number poles and of zeros of the related transfer function |
numberOfZeros | Calculate the number of zeros of the related transfer function |
partialGain | Algorithm for partial gain |
polesAndZeros | Generate poles and zeros from state space representation |
readLength_nu | Read the number of inputs nu of a state space system from a file |
readLength_nx | Read the order nx of a state space system from a file |
readLength_ny | Read the number of outputs ny of a state space system from a file |
reducedCtrSystem2 | Calculate the controllable part of a SISO system |
scaleFactor1 | Return scale factor for first order block |
scaleFactor2 | Return scale factor for second order block |
staircaseQR | Staircase algorithm to put a state space system to controller Hessenberg form |
staircaseSVD | Staircase algorithm based on singular value decomposition |
trianUpperHess | Triangulize an upper Hessenberg matrix by repeatedly applicated householder reflexion |
transposeStateSpace | Return the transposed state space system |
reduceRosenbrock | Algorithm to compress the generalized system matrix [A, B; C, D] to calculate the invariant zeros of a system |
reducedCtrSystem | Calculate the controllable part of a SISO system |
reducedCtrSystemX | Calculate the controllable part of a SISO system |
read_dslin | Read a StateSpace data record from mat-file |
absComplexVector | Return the absolute values of all elements of a complex vector that is defined by a vr[:] vector (real part) and a vi[:] vector (imaginary part) |
polesAndZeros_Old | Plot poles (i.e. eigenvalues) and/or invariant zeros of a state space system (previous version of polesAndZeros that is kept, just in case) |
bodeSISO_Old | Plot bode plot of the corresponding transfer function |
bodeMIMO_old | Plot bode plot of all transfer functions, corresponding to the state space system |