
A passive solar heating model


This package contains a thermal building model of an experimental house located near the airport in Tucson, Arizona, with a passive solar heating system. The house contains four rooms, one of which is a solarium that collects heat during the winter and releases it during the summer.

The code is collected into individual models describing the walls, the windows, etc. The main model to be simulated is the last model of the set, called House.

The design of this model has been described in [1,2].

The model makes use of six data tables. Although these tables are not very large, they are used by many of the models. In order to avoid an unnecessary explosion of table lookup in the model, the six tables were collected into a single block, called TabularFunctions, that is being invoked by the top level model. The TabularFunctions block collects the outputs of the six tables into a single vector output signal, which gets connected down through various layers of the model hierarchy to the models that actually need the tabular data.

The data items themselves are stored on an external binary file (Solar_tables.mat), rather than in memory, for the purpose of speed-up.

I don't have pictures available from the time, when the research was done that is presented in this code (around 1991). By now, this research unit is no longer in use. The pictures below were taken in 2005.

This is a view from the front (South side). The solarium has meanwhile been taken out.

This is a view from the back (North side).

This is a view from the West side. The house is built as an adobe structure. In the background, there is another (more modern) research unit that is still being used for experimentation.


This model uses hours as time units. If you wish to only experiment with this model, you can simulate it over 4 days by setting the final time to 96 hours. However, if you wish to reproduce the results obtained by Markus Weiner in his MS Thesis [1], you need to simulate the model for a full year, i.e., during 8600 hours.

The model uses SIunits throughout for its computations. The display units of hours instead of seconds for time are achieved by a time scaling procedure. To this end, the input of each integrator in the model needs to be multiplied explicitly by a factor of 3600. Since in a bondgraphic thermal model, all integrators are associated with capacitors, it suffices to divide each of the final capacitor values explicitly by the conversion factor of 3600. This is the approach that was taken in the model.

Also, the temperature values on the top-level output variables are displayed in Celsius degrees rather than in Kelvin. The conversion is accomplished by manually converting the temperature values at the top level for the output variables, whereas internally, the model uses absolute temperature values throughout.

Unfortunately, this model is rather large. It produces far too much I/O, when all variables are being stored. Dymola by default stores each and every variable. Thus, if you wish to simulate over an extended period of time, you should turn off the automatic storage of all variables, and selectively store only those variables that you wish to look at. This will speed up the simulation dramatically. At least, you should turn off the storage of the auxiliary variables.


  1. Weiner, M. (1992), Bond Graph Model of a Passive Solar Heating System, MS Thesis, Dept. of Electr. & Comp. Engr., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
  2. Weiner, M., and F.E. Cellier (1993), "Modeling and Simulation of a Solar Energy System by Use of Bond Graphs," Proc. 1st SCS Intl. Conf. on Bond Graph Modeling, San Diego, California, pp.301-306.


 TabularFunctionsTabular time-dependent functions
 DayHourConversion of fractional days to hours
 TemperatureAmbient temperature
 Temperature2Ground temperature
 TFilterAuxiliary block for air conditioning
 AirConditioningAir conditioning unit
 SolarPositionSolar position in the sky
 SolarRadiationSolar radiation
 SolarGlassSolar radiation through glass
 DirectGlassAbsorptionAbsorption coefficient of glass for direct solar radiation
 DiffuseGlassAbsorptionAbsorption coefficient of glass for diffuse solar radiation
 DirectGlassTransmissionTransmission coefficient of glass for direct solar radiation
 DiffuseGlassTransmissionTransmission coefficient of glass for diffuse solar radiation
 C1DHeat conduction through wall
 C1VHeat convection in boundary layer
 ExWallExterior wall
 IntWallInterior wall
 ExDoorExterior door
 IntDoorInterior door
 SlabSlab below the experimental house
 LivingRoomLiving room
 BedRoom1Bed room #1
 BedRoom2Bed room #2
 HouseExperimental house

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