

This package contains example function calls to demonstrate the usage of the plot functions in package Modelica_LinearSystems2.Utilities.Plot.


plotSinePlot a sine function in one diagram
plotTwoSinePlot two sine functions in one diagram
plotTwoSineDifferentStylesPlot two sine functions in one diagram with different styles
showSinesInVectorDiagramsPlot sine functions in several diagrams in vector layout
showMatrixDiagramsDemonstrate the layout of diagrams in matrix layout
plotParameterizedCurve1Plot two circles as parameterized curve
plotParameterizedCurve2Plot two circles as parameterized curve
rootLocusOfDrivePlot the root locus of a drive with varying load
rootLocusOfDriveSolidLinePlot the root locus of a drive with varying load
rootLocusOfControlledSISO1LogRoot locus of a SISO system over controller gain k with logarithmic gridding
rootLocusOfControlledSISO2Root locus of a SISO system over controller gain k with equidistant gridding
rootLocusOfControlledSISO2LogRoot locus of a SISO system over controller gain k with logarithmic gridding
rootLocusOfPIDDriveRoot locus of a PID controlled drive system over controller time constant Ti with logarithmic gridding
showLinePatternsShow the available line patterns
showLegendStylesShow several vector-diagram plots that demonstrate the various legend options
showPointSymbolsShow the available point symbols
UtilitiesPackage of utility functions (usually not of interest for the user)

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