

Package Sensors contains ideal measurement components to determine absolute and relative kinematic quantities, as well as cut-forces, cut-torques and power. All measured quantities can be provided in every desired coordinate system.


AbsolutePositionMeasure absolute position and orientation of the origin of frame connector
RelativePositionMeasure relative position and orientation between the origins of two frame connectors
AbsoluteVelocityMeasure absolute velocity of origin of frame connector
RelativeVelocityMeasure relative velocity between the origins of two frame connectors
AbsoluteAccelerationMeasure absolute acceleration of origin of frame connector
RelativeAccelerationMeasure relative acceleration between the origins of two frame connectors
TransformAbsoluteVectorTransform absolute vector in to another frame
TransformRelativeVectorTransform relative vector in to another frame
CutForceMeasure cut force vector
CutTorqueMeasure cut torque
CutForceAndTorqueMeasure cut force vector and cut torque
PowerMeasure power flowing from frame_a to frame_b
DistanceMeasure the distance between the origins of two frame connectors
InternalInternal package for sensors, should not be used by user


DLR logo Developed 2010 at the DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control

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