

A collection of internal material for sensor models. Generally, the material collected here should not be used by a common user.


PartialAbsoluteSensorPartial absolute sensor model for sensors defined by components
PartialRelativeSensorPartial relative sensor model for sensors defined by components
BasicAbsolutePositionMeasure absolute position and orientation (same as Sensors.AbsolutePosition, but frame_resolve is not conditional and must be connected)
BasicRelativePositionMeasure relative position and orientation (same as Sensors.RelativePosition, but frame_resolve is not conditional and must be connected)
PartialAbsoluteBaseSensorPartial absolute sensor models for sensors defined by equations (frame_resolve must be connected exactly once)
PartialRelativeBaseSensorPartial relative sensor models for sensors defined by equations (frame_resolve must be connected exactly once)
BasicTransformAbsoluteVectorTransform absolute vector in to another frame
BasicTransformRelativeVectorTransform relative vector in to another frame
PartialCutForceSensorBase model to measure the cut force and/or torque between two frames, defined by components
PartialCutTorqueSensorBase model to measure the cut force and/or torque between two frames, defined by components
PartialCutForceBaseSensorBase model to measure the cut force and/or torque between two frames, defined by equations (frame_resolve must be connected exactly once)
PartialCutTorqueBaseSensorBase model to measure the cut force and/or torque between two frames, defined by equations (frame_resolve must be connected exactly once)
BasicCutForceMeasure cut force vector (frame_resolve must be connected)
BasicCutTorqueMeasure cut-torque vector

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