All models use the StandardWater medium model by default, which is in turn set to Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater at the library level. It is of course possible to redeclare the medium model to any model extending Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium (or PartialTwoPhaseMedium for 2-phase models). This can be done by directly setting Medium in the parameter dialog, or through a local package definition, as shown e.g. in Test.TestMixerSlowFast. The latter solution allows to easily replace the medium model for an entire set of components.
All models with dynamic equations provide initialisation support. Set the initOpt parameter to the appropriate value:
Name | Description |
Flange connector for water/steam flows | |
A-type flange connector for water/steam flows | |
B-type flange connector for water/steam flows | |
Pressure source for water/steam flows | |
Pressure sink for water/steam flows | |
Flowrate source for water/steam flows | |
Flowrate sink for water/steam flows | |
Prescribes the flow rate across the component | |
Linear pressure drop for water/steam flows | |
Pressure drop for water/steam flows | |
Header with metal walls for water/steam flows | |
Mixer with metal walls for water/steam flows | |
Open tank with free surface | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite volumes) | |
Same as Flow1DFV with two walls and heat transfer models | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite volumes, 2-phase) | |
Same as Flow1DFV with two walls and heat transfer models | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite elements) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite elements) | |
Joins two water/steam flows | |
Splits a flow in two | |
Temperature sensor for water-steam | |
Temperature sensor for water/steam flows, single port | |
Mass Flowrate sensor for water/steam | |
Pressure sensor for water/steam flows | |
Water-Gas Accumulator | |
Drum for circulation boilers | |
Valve for water/steam flows with linear pressure drop | |
Valve for liquid water flow | |
Valve for steam flow | |
Valve for liquid water flow, allows choked flow conditions | |
Centrifugal pump with ideally controlled speed | |
Centrifugal pump with mechanical connector for the shaft | |
Model of a spray condenser assuming themodynamic equilibrium between the phases | |
Model of a barometric condenser including the barometric leg | |
Cooling tower with variable speed fan | |
Ideal expansion tank with prescribed pressure | |
Chen's correlation for two-phase flow in a tube | |
Fanning friction factor for water/steam flows | |
Fanning friction factor for a two phase water/steam flow | |
Dittus-Boelter correlation for one-phase flow in a tube | |
Steam turbine: Stodola's ellipse law and constant isentropic efficiency | |
Simplified HP+LP turbine unit for steam flows | |
Utility models | |
Contains partial models | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite volumes) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water or steam flow (finite volumes, Dittus-Boelter heat transfer) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite volumes, 2-phase) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for 2-phase boiling flow (finite volumes, 2-phase, computation of heat transfer coeff.) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for 2-phase boiling flow (finite volumes, 2-phase, Chen correlation) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite elements) | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite elements) | |
Pressure source for water/steam flows | |
Pressure sink for water/steam flows | |
Flowrate source for water/steam flows | |
Flowrate sink for water/steam flows | |
Prescribes the flow rate across the component |