Name | Description |
EoS | |
Ancillary | |
Transport | |
ThermodynamicState | |
SaturationProperties | |
BaseProperties | Base properties (p, d, T, h, u, s) of a medium |
setSat_T | iterative calculation of saturation properties from EoS with Newton-Raphson algorithm |
setSat_p | iterative calculation of saturation properties from EoS for a given pressure |
setSat_d | iterative calculation of saturation properties from EoS with Newton-Raphson algorithm |
setBubbleState | returns bubble ThermodynamicState from given saturation properties |
setDewState | returns dew ThermodynamicState from given saturation properties |
setSmoothState | Return thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b |
setState_dTX | Return thermodynamic state as function of (d, T) |
setState_Tx | Return thermodynamic state as function of (T, x) |
setState_px | Return thermodynamic state as function of (p, x) |
setState_pTX | Return thermodynamic state as function of (p, T) |
setState_phX | Return thermodynamic state as function of (p, h) |
setState_psX | Return thermodynamic state as function of (p, s) |
setState_pd | Return thermodynamic state as function of (p, d) |
setState_Ts | Return thermodynamic state as function of (T, s) |
temperature | returns temperature from given ThermodynamicState |
density | returns density from given ThermodynamicState |
pressure | returns pressure from given ThermodynamicState |
specificInternalEnergy | returns specificEnergy from given ThermodynamicState |
specificEntropy | returns specificEntropy from given ThermodynamicState |
specificEnthalpy | returns specificEnthalpy from given ThermodynamicState |
vapourQuality | returns the vapour quality |
vapourQuality_sat | returns the vapour quality |
specificHeatCapacityCp | returns the isobaric specific heat capcacity |
specificHeatCapacityCv | returns the isochoric specific heat capcacity |
velocityOfSound | returns the speed or velocity of sound |
isobaricExpansionCoefficient | returns 1/v*(dv/dT)@p=const |
isothermalCompressibility | returns -1/v*(dv/dp)@T=const |
isentropicExponent | returns -v/p*(dp/dv)@s=const |
isentropicEnthalpy | returns isentropic enthalpy |
jouleThomsonCoefficient | returns Joule-Thomson-Coefficient (dT/dp)@h=const |
isothermalThrottlingCoefficient | returns isothermal throttling coefficient (dh/dp)@T=const |
dynamicViscosity | Returns dynamic Viscosity |
thermalConductivity | Return thermal conductivity |
surfaceTension | Return surface tension sigma in the two phase region |
bubbleEnthalpy | returns specificEnthalpy from given SaturationProperties |
dewEnthalpy | returns specificEnthalpy from given SaturationProperties |
dewEntropy | returns specificEntropy from given SaturationProperties |
bubbleEntropy | returns specificEntropy from given SaturationProperties |
dewDensity | returns density from given SaturationProperties |
bubbleDensity | returns density from given SaturationProperties |
saturationTemperature | |
saturationTemperature_derp | returns (dT/dp)@sat |
saturationTemperature_derp_sat | returns (dT/dp)@sat |
saturationPressure | |
saturationPressure_derT | returns (dp/dT)@sat |
saturationPressure_derT_sat | returns (dp/dT)@sat |
dBubbleDensity_dPressure | Return bubble point density derivative |
dDewDensity_dPressure | Return dew point density derivative |
dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure | Return bubble point enthalpy derivative |
dDewEnthalpy_dPressure | Return dew point enthalpy derivative |
density_ph | returns density for given p and h |
density_ph_state | returns density for given p and h |
density_ph_der | time derivative of density_ph |
density_derp_h | returns density derivative (dd/dp)@h=const |
density_derh_p | returns density derivative (dd/dh)@p=const |
temperature_ph | returns temperature for given p and h |
temperature_ph_state | returns temperature for given p and h |
temperature_ph_der | time derivative of temperature_ph |
specificEntropy_ph | returns specific entropy for a given p and h |
specificEntropy_ph_state | returns specific entropy for a given p and h |
specificEntropy_ph_der | |
density_pT | Return density from p and T |
density_pT_state | |
density_pT_der | time derivative of density_pT |
density_derp_T | returns density derivative (dd/dp)@T=const |
density_derT_p | returns density derivative (dd/dT)@p=const |
specificEnthalpy_pT | returns specific enthalpy for given p and T |
specificEnthalpy_pT_state | returns specific enthalpy for given p and T |
specificEnthalpy_pT_der | time derivative of specificEnthalpy_pT |
pressure_dT | |
pressure_dT_state | |
pressure_dT_der | time derivative of pressure_dT |
pressure_derd_T | returns pressure derivative (dp/dd)@T=const |
pressure_derT_d | returns pressure derivative (dp/dT)@d=const |
specificEnthalpy_dT | |
specificEnthalpy_dT_state | |
specificEnthalpy_dT_der | |
specificEnthalpy_derd_T | returns enthalpy derivative (dh/dd)@T=const |
specificEnthalpy_derT_d | returns enthalpy derivative (dh/dT)@d=const |
specificEntropy_pT | iteratively finds the specific entropy for a given p and T |
specificEntropy_dT | return specific enthalpy for given d and T |
temperature_pd | returns temperature for given p and d |
pressure_Ts | returns pressure for given T and s |
temperature_ps | returns temperature for given p and d |
density_Ts | returns density for given T and s |
specificEnthalpy_ps | returns specific enthalpy for a given p and s |
specificEnthalpy_pd | returns specific enthalpy for a given p and d |