

 BasePropertiesBase properties (p, d, T, h, u, s) of a medium
 setSat_Titerative calculation of saturation properties from EoS with Newton-Raphson algorithm
 setSat_piterative calculation of saturation properties from EoS for a given pressure
 setSat_diterative calculation of saturation properties from EoS with Newton-Raphson algorithm
 setBubbleStatereturns bubble ThermodynamicState from given saturation properties
 setDewStatereturns dew ThermodynamicState from given saturation properties
 setSmoothStateReturn thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b
 setState_dTXReturn thermodynamic state as function of (d, T)
 setState_TxReturn thermodynamic state as function of (T, x)
 setState_pxReturn thermodynamic state as function of (p, x)
 setState_pTXReturn thermodynamic state as function of (p, T)
 setState_phXReturn thermodynamic state as function of (p, h)
 setState_psXReturn thermodynamic state as function of (p, s)
 setState_pdReturn thermodynamic state as function of (p, d)
 setState_TsReturn thermodynamic state as function of (T, s)
 temperaturereturns temperature from given ThermodynamicState
 densityreturns density from given ThermodynamicState
 pressurereturns pressure from given ThermodynamicState
 specificInternalEnergyreturns specificEnergy from given ThermodynamicState
 specificEntropyreturns specificEntropy from given ThermodynamicState
 specificEnthalpyreturns specificEnthalpy from given ThermodynamicState
 vapourQualityreturns the vapour quality
 vapourQuality_satreturns the vapour quality
 specificHeatCapacityCpreturns the isobaric specific heat capcacity
 specificHeatCapacityCvreturns the isochoric specific heat capcacity
 velocityOfSoundreturns the speed or velocity of sound
 isobaricExpansionCoefficientreturns 1/v*(dv/dT)@p=const
 isothermalCompressibilityreturns -1/v*(dv/dp)@T=const
 isentropicExponentreturns -v/p*(dp/dv)@s=const
 isentropicEnthalpyreturns isentropic enthalpy
 jouleThomsonCoefficientreturns Joule-Thomson-Coefficient (dT/dp)@h=const
 isothermalThrottlingCoefficientreturns isothermal throttling coefficient (dh/dp)@T=const
 dynamicViscosityReturns dynamic Viscosity
 thermalConductivityReturn thermal conductivity
 surfaceTensionReturn surface tension sigma in the two phase region
 bubbleEnthalpyreturns specificEnthalpy from given SaturationProperties
 dewEnthalpyreturns specificEnthalpy from given SaturationProperties
 dewEntropyreturns specificEntropy from given SaturationProperties
 bubbleEntropyreturns specificEntropy from given SaturationProperties
 dewDensityreturns density from given SaturationProperties
 bubbleDensityreturns density from given SaturationProperties
 saturationTemperature_derpreturns (dT/dp)@sat
 saturationTemperature_derp_satreturns (dT/dp)@sat
 saturationPressure_derTreturns (dp/dT)@sat
 saturationPressure_derT_satreturns (dp/dT)@sat
 dBubbleDensity_dPressureReturn bubble point density derivative
 dDewDensity_dPressureReturn dew point density derivative
 dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressureReturn bubble point enthalpy derivative
 dDewEnthalpy_dPressureReturn dew point enthalpy derivative
 density_phreturns density for given p and h
 density_ph_statereturns density for given p and h
 density_ph_dertime derivative of density_ph
 density_derp_hreturns density derivative (dd/dp)@h=const
 density_derh_preturns density derivative (dd/dh)@p=const
 temperature_phreturns temperature for given p and h
 temperature_ph_statereturns temperature for given p and h
 temperature_ph_dertime derivative of temperature_ph
 specificEntropy_phreturns specific entropy for a given p and h
 specificEntropy_ph_statereturns specific entropy for a given p and h
 density_pTReturn density from p and T
 density_pT_dertime derivative of density_pT
 density_derp_Treturns density derivative (dd/dp)@T=const
 density_derT_preturns density derivative (dd/dT)@p=const
 specificEnthalpy_pTreturns specific enthalpy for given p and T
 specificEnthalpy_pT_statereturns specific enthalpy for given p and T
 specificEnthalpy_pT_dertime derivative of specificEnthalpy_pT
 pressure_dT_dertime derivative of pressure_dT
 pressure_derd_Treturns pressure derivative (dp/dd)@T=const
 pressure_derT_dreturns pressure derivative (dp/dT)@d=const
 specificEnthalpy_derd_Treturns enthalpy derivative (dh/dd)@T=const
 specificEnthalpy_derT_dreturns enthalpy derivative (dh/dT)@d=const
 specificEntropy_pTiteratively finds the specific entropy for a given p and T
 specificEntropy_dTreturn specific enthalpy for given d and T
 temperature_pdreturns temperature for given p and d
 pressure_Tsreturns pressure for given T and s
 temperature_psreturns temperature for given p and d
 density_Tsreturns density for given T and s
 specificEnthalpy_psreturns specific enthalpy for a given p and s
 specificEnthalpy_pdreturns specific enthalpy for a given p and d

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